Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Ending

It was just PMS. Sorry guy readers. All is well now that I am not so hormonal.

Had a fabulous week with the family. We took the kids to the nature center earlier this week and took tons of photos and got to see three fawns hopping through the forest with their momma. The boys loved it.

Thankfully the forest is thick enough that we were shaded from the killer sun. It is AFRICA HOT here. We were up early (one of the rare occasions when I say that was a good thing) and we were able to get out and enjoy the day without rushing. Hubs was able to be there which made it even better.

Mr. Pants will be celebrating his 4th birthday on Tuesday. We are having a party on Sunday so Hubs can be there and I'm so excited my bro gets to come to. Sometimes the universe does cooperate. Last night Mr. Pants told me, "Momma - I love you. You're my girl...... (long pause) and I'm your boy." How sweet.

Hubs came home last night and told me he had something for me. He opened up this little scrap of paper ever so slightly as to taunt me. I kept asking him what it was. Turns out one of the local indoor ranges is offering a concealed carry class for Police wives only in August. They are giving a 50% discount and will certify you at the end of the day.

Perfect! I've been putting this off for a year and then out of left field comes the chance to take the class with all Police wives. I'm excited. I will let you know if I pass the class next month.. :)

Hubs spent plenty of time teasing me about how several years ago we went to the outdoor range and all I could hit with the Glock 27 were the rafters. Yikes. He said, "If we ever get robbed by someone really tall, you will blow them away."

I reminded him that a Glock 27 is a hand cannon for a 5'3" 110lb female. He told me he will work with me over the next few weeks to get me ready for the class.

Which also means I can now buy what I've been wanting to buy.. a Taurus 25 with pink grips.


  1. Is it weird that I totally want a pink handgun too?!

  2. It's pink! I want a pink handgun!! (alas almost inpossible to to get a permit to carry in Canada) but a girl can dream!


  3. I know gals! Isn't it sweet? I can't wait. Hubs says I should get a 380 but he has a little Colt 25 that I've fired and it's so much more comfortable!

  4. Yay on the discount!! Got mine but not cheaply. Loving my 1911 - .45 all the way, my friend. Also got a lovely bag to concealed carry it, too! (Rather large, admittedly, to hold it...)

    Good for you!
